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General, Programming, Software Quality, TestRail

Does Blockchain Make Sense for Me?

Blockchain technology is one of the most popular new topics in technology circles today. A blockchain solution can offer transparency, security, fault tolerance, auditability and, in some cases, reduced operational costs. It seems that everyone wants to rol...

General, Software Quality, TestRail

Practical Test Coverage

A solid grasp of the different automated test types is critical to help you keep your overall test automation suite lean, low-maintenance, and high-value. While there are many types of automated tests, let’s focus on these three: Unit Tests, Integrati...

Automation, General, Performance, Software Quality

The Value of Distributed Tracing in Performance Testing

Distributed tracing has the potential to take application monitoring and performance testing to new, unimagined levels. Seeing everything across the entire landscape of application activity, static and ephemeral, is a game-changer.Distributed tracing has th...

Agile, Business, General, Programming, Software Quality

Understand Your Geographically Distributed Agile Team

We tend to lump all kinds of distributed and dispersed teams together. But they are different and their differences imply different benefits and problems between teams. Learn the difference between satellite, cluster, and nebula teams, and how to facilitate...

Automation, General, Software Quality

Four Questions to Ask When Planning Test Automation

Teams struggle in getting the most out of their test automation due to many hurdles along the way. Good planning can act as a solid foundation for your test automation project. To ensure you are following the right path, consider these four questions.Good p...

Agile, General, Software Quality, TestRail

Is Your Testing Visible?

On most teams, the testers are present, working hard, and care about their work. The problem is that their work is completely hidden. No one can see it, and because of that, no one understands it or how it might be improved. So, how can you make your testin...

General, Performance, Software Quality, TestRail

Performance Testing a GraphQL API

Initially developed for the Facebook News Feed, today GraphQL is powering APIs from companies such as Atlassian, Credit Karma, GitHub, Intuit, KLM, Pinterest, Shopify, The New York Times, WordPress and Yelp. While it is a transformational technology, it req...

Agile, General, Software Quality, TestRail

Discover Long Feedback Loops

Agile approaches encourage fast feedback between developers and testers, fast feedback between the product owner and the team, and fast feedback with the customer. Long feedback loops are signs of a system problem.

General, Software Quality, TestRail

Using Test Coverage to Inform Exploratory Testing

Code coverage looks at specific portions of the codebase exercised by automated tests and shows which portions of the codebase are covered, or aren’t. Understanding code coverage is a terrific way to help boost the value of exploratory sessions.

Agile, General, Software Quality, TestRail

Using Mind Maps for Agile Test Planning

Mind maps can be used in various stages of an agile project for test planning and test design. They can help make our essential documents leaner, more visual and more useful.

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